10 Reasons to supply your body with magnesium

10 Reasons to supply your body with magnesium
10 Reasons to supply your body with magnesium

Magnesium is called a “basic element”, i.e., it takes part in more than 300 metabolic processes in the body. In our modern times, it is difficult to rely entirely on food in order to supply with all necessary substances, as the available products in the supermarkets have less and less nutritional value, while bio-food is extremely expensive. Moreover, when striving to achieve the desired dose of a particular element, sometimes, it is necessary to swallow an enormous amount, which could be difficult for the organism to process.
The biggest concentration of magnesium is found in bones (60-65%) and in muscles (25%), however, it is one of the minerals that people undeservedly ignore. Most of us are aware of the great importance to use calcium but we rarely think about the benefits provided by magnesium, although the properties of both elements are directly related. Here is a list of some of the most important health advantages associated with magnesium:
1. Magnesium is a major electrolyte that maintains the hydration and PH balance in the body.
2. Magnesium prevents the development of osteoporosis. Combined, calcium and magnesium improve bones mineral density. Magnesium deficit alters calcium metabolism and hormone functions that regulate the level of calcium and this can cause osteoporosis.
3. Magnesium lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Deficiency of this important mineral increases the probability of some disorders related to heart rhythm and on the contrarily - its implementation helps to control the rhythm and regulates high blood pressure (hypertonia). Low levels of this element can become a prerequisite for arrhythmia, palpitation, atrial fibrillation, and even a sudden cardiac arrest.

4. Magnesium promotes muscles and nerves relaxation and acts similarly to a calcium blocker in relation to nervous and muscle cells.
5. Magnesium deficit can negatively impact the nervous system as well as can cause muscle irritation and tension. This valuable nutritional element interacts with stress hormones and is able to alleviate the symptoms of migraine, insomnia, and depression. Furthermore, it regulates the function of sleep hormone melatonin and thus can improve the quality of sleep.
Magnesium stimulates the body to produce more insulin - like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), a major prerequisite for muscle growth and development. On the other hand, the mineral participates in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - a basic source of energy for the cells. Low levels of magnesium can lead to muscle contraction disorders and could cause the development of lactic acid.

7. Magnesium is a basic element for glutathione production in the body, a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes the harmful effects caused by the free radicals, stimulates immune system and improves the effectiveness of other antioxidants in the organism.
8. Magnesium deficiency is common in people, suffering from diabetes type II. Supplementation with this nutrient alleviates the observed symptoms, because by providing control over the levels of blood sugar, magnesium promotes carbohydrates’ metabolism and impacts on the release and activity of insulin.

9. Magnesium enhances the reproductive system and can be extremely beneficial to pregnant women. Combined with folic acid, this mineral decreases the risk of fetus damage and premature berth. Moreover, it can lessen the symptoms of PMS.
10. By relaxing and widening the bronchi, magnesium alleviates spasms related to respiratory diseases.

Magnesium supplementation
Magnesium can be available in many forms of food supplements, however, the major difference is the level of absorption by the organism. So, how do you orientate in this abundance of products? Here, you can find some of the best types:
Magnesium chloride can be distinguished by its high level of solubility in water, which means it possesses the best bio-availability. This property is in direct relation to the speed and level of utilization by the body.

Chelated magnesium is a type of bio-based acid - a form, in which magnesium binds by a single amino acid that contains nitrogen, one of the major building elements of proteins. Chelated magnesium is absorbed much better with only one difference - it does not depend on the level of solubility, but instead uses protein pathways.

Magnesium citrate is a salt form of magnesium that is bound by a citric acid, which has a very high level of utilization in the gastrointestinal tract and often is used as aperients.

Combination of magnesium, zinc, and vitamin B6 is extremely important for athletes and active people, as it provides energy and enhances the nervous and muscle functions. Zinc supports testosterone level in the body, while vitamin B6 improves the utilization and effect caused by magnesium and zinc in the human organism.